Lockdown, corona and photo shoot?

Photo shoot during Corona Lockdown? Yes or no?
In the last few weeks I have received a number of inquiries as to whether photo shoots are currently allowed and, if so, under what conditions.
Therefore, I would like to briefly describe the current situation in this article.
Yes, you can have your photo taken!
And yes, the photos will be just as beautiful as they were before the lockdown age. I am 100% sure that, despite the slightly different circumstances, you will have a lot of joy and fun with the photo shoot and with your pictures.
Sure, taking photos in Corona times still means keeping your distance. There will be no welcoming or farewell hug.
The warmth and the feel-good atmosphere in my studio is still the same!

Especially now in these turbulent times, a photo shoot is one of the few and therefore all the more valuable opportunities to bring some color, joy and life into your lockdown everyday life.
Perhaps you are now wondering what restrictions do I have to expect if I have a photo shoot done now?
What do I have to do without?
Will the experience and the result be different, even inferior?
Do I have to wear a mask all the time?
Is it going to be impersonal?
Can I feel comfortable there at all, and sure! feel?
First of all I want to assure you:
My top priority is that you feel 100% comfortable and safe and that you are in front of everyone too!
Therefore, in addition to the prescribed measures (FFP2 mask, 2 meters distance, 20m² per person in the studio), I have taken a few other personal measures:
1. Only 1 photo shoot per day = individual appointments
2. Air purifier
3. Diffuser with cleansing oil mixture
4. Disinfection device
5. Disinfectant soap and your own towel
6. I have myself tested regularly and am almost always in the home office and in the studio
Will the photo shoot be a little different than before Corona?
The answer to that is yes and no.
Yes, because photo shoots are only possible under the following specified safety and hygiene rules, even during lockdown:
FFP2 mask
2 meters distance
20 m² per person in the studio
valid negative test report
Yes and no If you want a professional make-up you have to show a negative antigen test that is not older than 48 hours. (As of February 17, 2021)
However, this point also becomes a No if you want to do your styling and makeup yourself or at home. (As of January 27 or February 2, 2021, update February 17, 2021)
No because, for example, there is always a distance between the model and the photographer when taking pictures, which means that this is completely normal.
No, because my studio is big enough to be able to photograph 4 people at the same time. Since I take photos without an assistant, only the two of us are in the studio. So you have far fewer points of contact with other people during a photo shoot than when you go shopping or on public transport, for example.
No because these rules do not allow personal touchpoints such as shaking hands, welcoming hugs, etc. However, we will build up my trust and personal bond with you and vice versa in advance through virtual getting to know each other and chatting via online meeting or video telephony.

Do you have to wear a mask all the time?
No, because I can only take photos of you without a mask. However, you must always wear the mask when you are not being styled or photographed.
Since you have your own closed and ventilated room for changing clothes and changing clothes, in which only you are and which is cleaned before and after, you do not have to wear a mask when changing outfits.
Do I wear a mask all the time?
Yes, I will wear an FFP2 mask all the time. The same goes for the make-up artist
How does that work with the 2 meter distance?
The advantage of taking pictures is that I have to keep a distance anyway so that I can put you in the limelight and take pictures. This is probably also the reason why photo shoots are still allowed as it is not a body-hugging service.
Maintaining the specified distance is therefore easy to implement and will not have a negative impact on the photo shoot.

So why not get some nice photos of you right now?
It is the opportunity and currently one of the few ways to escape the dreary everyday life or the stressful home office, do something good for yourself and let yourself be pampered again. If that’s not reason enough, there are more than 33 reasons for a photo shoot now to have it done.
Let’s just chat without obligation. I am looking forward to you and will be happy to answer your questions.
Hi! I'm Karin
Portrait photographer and mentor for women.

I encourage and guide women to see how beautiful, unique and valuable they are. For more visibility, mindfulness and fullness of life.
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Are you ready for your own feel-good photoshoot? Or would you like more information or a non-binding meeting?
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