WELCOME TO MY BLOG by Karin Ahamer
For Women that want more our of life!
I write about Mindset and Self-Love, blog about Branding, Business & Marketing and most of all I enjoy talking about my Portrait Photoshoots.
Make-up & styling for photo shoots by professionals
AS A WOMAN WHO DOESN’T DO LOTS OF MAKE-UP HERSELF, I KNOW HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO HAVE A MAKE-UP ARTIST, WHICH MY CUSTOMERS APPRECIATE THE NATURAL BEAUTY AND UNIQUENESS AS I DO. Because there is hardly anything worse than being completely “styled”. Unfortunately, I have often seen it myself that make-up artists have not…
Lockdown, corona and photo shoot?
Photo shoot during Corona Lockdown? Yes or no? In the last few weeks I have received a number of inquiries as to whether photo shoots are currently allowed and, if so, under what conditions. Therefore, I would like to briefly describe the current situation in this article. Yes, you can have your photo taken! And…
Word of the year instead of New Year’s resolutions
New Years Resolutions? Yes or no? I love the beginning of a new year. It gives you the opportunity to reflect on the old year, to let go of the old and to welcome the new with joy. But I also love the rough nights around the turn of the year, which I have been…
Offline! Enjoy time without cell phone & social media
OFFLINE? Learnings & tips for stress-free social media consumption I love my smartphone and I don’t even go for a walk without it. After all, it counts my steps, someone could call or Cookie could do something funny that I want to take a picture of, etc. But I also find it stressful, overwhelming and…
More color & rays for your business!
As an entrepreneur and former marketing manager, I know how important a company’s visual appearance – personal branding – is. When it comes to branding, one often thinks first of all – sometimes only – of the logo. But how many other components there are for an authentic business appearance and what a big role…
In 3 steps to more visibility as a self-employed
In 3 steps to more visibility as an entrepreneur Being visible online has now become a must for pretty much every company, as 2020 probably showed us very clearly. But not only for this reason it is more time than ever to bring your own presence to a new level with photos, but also to…
Make your website sparkle!
As a portrait photographer for women, self-employed women and sole proprietorships are particularly close to my heart. Very often these wonderful and creative entrepreneurs in particular do not like to show themselves at the beginning. But how important it is to show yourself and why it is so important for your own website, I talked…
Goodbye to boredom and stress
Phew, what a time! Isolation, short-time work, insecurities, home office & homeschooling … I have summarized some tips against boredom and camp fever, but also help with stress and frustration.
3 good reasons why now is the right time for your photo shoot!
Argument 1: your body. I can well imagine how you are probably looking in the mirror or down at yourself. Raise your eyebrows. And you think, “… I would have to lose weight before I go to a photo shoot”. Or maybe “With my body? I have far too small breasts … my butt is…
Realize your goals with your vision board.
There is probably no other thing that helps you achieve your goals better than visualization. If you have your Wishes, dreams & goals always in front of your eyes, you will be constantly reminded of it. This way you can keep an eye on the big picture and get bogged down less. And that’s exactly…